Eror in killing Chrome: Encountered errors while trying to kill a process

Hello friends,
@AshwinS2 , @arivu96, @Rammohan91, @balupad14, @Florent_Salendres, @vvaidya, @Palaniyappan, @loginerror, @MAHESH1, @Manjuts90

I get this error while trying to Kill Chrome process:
“Kill Process: Encountered errors while trying to kill a process”
in case Chrome is downloading a file while trying to close it.
How to overcome this error?
Cami :slight_smile:

is the Processname mentioned as “chrome” in kill process activity
Cheers @CamiCat

Yes @Palaniyappan.
Have you got ideas?

kindly restart the machine and try once pls
Cheers @CamiCat

Doesn’t work @Palaniyappan,

Have you got other ideas?

Use this kill process after downloading the file
I hope that is what is disrupting us
Cheers @CamiCat

Thank you @Palaniyappan,

how to check download of a file from chrome page finished?

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We can check with path exists activity and get the output with a Boolean variable
Use a IF condition with Boolean variable and if it’s it’s true add kill process in then part or add a delay activity in else part then use a kill process next to this delay in else part
Cheers @CamiCat