Enterprise Trial Issue - Connected but Unlicensed

Building up some proof of concept robots. Trying to utilize and demonstrate the Orchestrator. Getting a Status of Connected, Unlicensed. In the UiPath assistant, my Machine Name is in, Orchestrator URL and Machine Key are all correct.

Anyone know what we might need to do or who to talk with to get this resolved. Have to utilize Orchestrator and demonstrating how everything works together before my company is willing to sign off and purchase into UiPath.

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Can you share some screens of your UiPath Assistant Orchestrator Settings?

You can mask sensitivity data


hi @dfuller
i hope you are using new version
so its required interactive signing
follow this video
UiPath Interactive Sign in | Attended Automation | HyperAutomation - YouTube

Did you actually create the robot inside your tenant, and set it up to use valid credentials for the user it runs under?
