[Enhanced RE Framework] How to use Tasks


I’m trying to use Enhanced RE Framework instead of standard RE Framework, but I don’t understand how to use multiple tasks inside the RE Framework.

The concept of having multiple tasks, each task being a framework is interesting, but how would you implement for example 2 other tasks in addition of FirstRun without modifying the initial structure of the framework ?


Hi @Julien_Flamen
I face the same question,I think you can use invoke workflow activity to invoke the task1’s main.xaml,is it the correct way?
I search the key words in the project global,but it’s no reference about task1.

Hi @donghai,

Yes that’s what I was thinking, but I didn’t understand why the parameter of Task1 is a List of Data.
My deduction is : Two example, I need to perform 2 separate task in my robot, two way to do it.

In the first case I want to perform Task 1 for every item and after this, I want to perform Task 2 for every item.

In the second case, I want to perform straight Task 1 and Task 2 for every transaction.

First case
GetData.xaml → Use this part to dispatch data in queues or get data from external sources like Website, API… Enable GetData.xaml during first run only !
If I have something to process, I will create a simple transaction, without data inside, just to process my tasks.

Process.xaml → In my flowchart I will Invoke Task1 and Task2.

Task1 → Use GetSetTransactionData to get data from my Queue previously filled and Process every transaction.

Task2 → Idem.

After this, I will have no more transaction in my Main, so my execution will be over there.

Second case
GetData.xaml → Still use this part to dispatch data in queues or get data from external sources like Website, API… Enable GetData.xaml during first run only.

Main/GetSetTransactionData → A difference here. After dispatching or getting my TransactionData, I will get every single TransactionItem (From Queue, splitting Excel…)

And I will put this TransactionItem as Argument in my Task1 and Task2 in Process.xaml.
This required to change the datatype of the default Argument of Task1/Task2 (Which is TransactionData and not TransactionItem) in order to process it correctly.

This is just a thought, I’m not sure I’m right ! But if someone can give us an advice or correct me if I’m wrong, it will be helpful ! :slight_smile:

Good Luck,

Hi look at this post, the key point I think its "in the ProcessTransaction of that ‘root’ framework I would have a switch that was designed to execute my specific ‘subEnhanced Framework’. " I don’t know how to do this.
so please @loginerror

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The explanation of @loginerror is interesting.
Basically, he has an excel file containing the name of his sub processes (For example Task1, Task2, Task3…)
In GetSetTransactionData, he will get each ProcessName, and he will pass the name in the ProcessTransaction.xaml.

Then inside your ProcessTransaction.xaml, he has a Switch and depending on which ProcessName he will invoke the right task !

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I still confused that if the main task has 100 transaction ,each transaction need to run task1, task1 has 100 transaction,so the question is ,if when a exception happend when the main task at 30 transaction, the task1 at 50 transaction,how to continue? as you know, the exception may occur in the main task logic or task1 logic.
Be limited by my English is not good,may be I can’t accuray descripe my thought. :joy:

Hi JF, I just finalized my test scenario for the Enhanced REFramework, that is a bit similar to yours - calling Task1 or 2 based on some conditions. I created a video tutorial about it. Hope this helps !