Encountering uipath studio error while using Excel Application Scope "Interface not registered" error, please help

Hi @Nk511

Have to tried updating the excel activities from the manage packages to latest version?

Is the excel installed?



For now, can you try to use Repair Tool for Microsoft Office, as the following document?


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Yes it is installed

Im using Studio, bot studioX



It’s helpful for not only StudioX but also Studio. Can you try this?


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Welcome to uipath forum

There are two options to handle this

Either you can use WORKBOOK activities instead of excel so that we don’t need to rely on excel application so that it can run even without excel application


Try with reinstalling office with trouble shoot steps

this attached document UiPath Excel Addin Installation Troubleshooting v4.docx (388.6 KB)

Cheers @Nk511

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I have reinstalled office as well as reinstalled Uipath. Checked all excel add in options etc. It works in my other laptop but not in this…

Can you elaborate on workbook activities? U meanbi can skip using Excel Application Scope?

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I am new to Uipath

I did, no use …still same error


In activity panel when you search as workbook you get the same set of activities as in excel package

When it’s used it doesn’t need excel application scope and can directly use workbook activities

Cheers @Nk511

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Ok. I see it. I was trying to link a simple excel file and see the output by using ‘Excel Application Scope’ with ‘Read Range’. Now how do i this using Workbook?


Delete those two activities u have now

Then go for activity panel and search as WORKBOOK
Under that you can find READ RANGE activity

Double click that

Here you can mention the filepath
Cell range
And output variable name

  • same as excel package

Cheers @Nk511


Oh my god! I have been stuck since Wednesday, and you solved my problem. It worked. Thank you so much brother. Could you please exaplain why was i facing the issue and what is the reason it works now?

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The issue you were facing is something with the excel application level
Just on few patch updates that error might be rectified

And now it got resolved because we didn’t rely on excel application itself as we were using workbook
That is this activity can run even when excel is not installed

Cheers @Nk511

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Ok, so is there anything i would be missing on if i rely on Workbook instead of Excel ? Also is there a way i can the error and be able to use Excel activities as well? Nevertheless, i cant thank you enough …appreciate your help.

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No not really

It has to be troubleshooted once to check where the exact error has occurre

Cheers @Nk511

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