Enabling "Continue of exception" during debug mode

Currently the “Continue on exception” feature can only be used while NOT running the process. Enabling this feature during debug would save me (and probably other developers) a lot of time during development.



You can Ignore when you want to continue with the exception
If this is not the case, then explain a bit more


Hi Srini,

I don’t want to Ignore the exception.What I’m trying to avoid is the following situation:

I have a complex sequence structure, going 9-10 levels deep. I get an exception on the last level. I take note of the exception, and I would like to continue to the next queue item. BUT now I have to press Continue every time i move up a level (to the container sequence). Some seqeunces contain additional activities that have to run for a few seconds, meanwhile I’m just sitting there waiting to press continue 8 more times.

Would be really usefull to be able to Continue to next breakpoint (and not break on subsequent exceptions).

LE: In the above case, I still want the (current) exceptional item to go through the rest of the exception process (e.g. send an email to someone). If I use “Ignore”, the exception handling will not be triggered and that will falsely mark my queue item as successful.


Thanks for your feedback. If I understand correctly you need a fastrack continue that will bubble up all the way.