Enable disable button based on dynamic form input

Requirement : A Button on page needs to be enabled as soon as a form “data” (string type) variable has a value in it.
If the value is removed via some actions on form, then the button needs to be again disabled.

I know we can do this using Logic available within form button component and using trigger as Javascript via passing result as true / false. However, unable to get the true / false value in that result based on this “data” input variable.

how did you do this? do you have an answer already?

You can disable the button by default. Then put a trigger to check the data from field like:

Action would be to enable that button:

These trigger keeps on getting triggered onchange or onblur.


Please, can you share example file of solution. Thanks!

Here is the solution for fields, you can user something similar with buttons.

NotificationDataWorkflow.xaml (11.4 KB)