Email Automation, Error in saving the Attachments

Continuing the discussion from Email Automation, saving the attachments:

@prasanthyadav73, just share your workflow or atleast screenshots because i see they gave you an example workflow and you never responded as to whether it helped you or not.

Apologies for the Late Response, I have attached the screenshot of the workflow. Here save attachments is commented out even though it is enabled, Still unable to save the attachments.


You are converting everything to lowercase first and then you are comparing all lowercase letters against "Your SimplySAVE - SBI Monthly Statement" This will always be false and will always go into the else part. Your Condition should look like this:

mail.Subject.ToLower.Contains("your simplysave - sbi monthly statement")

and avoid using too many words if you are using the .Contains method, because one mistake with a white space or character then the condition turns false, try identify keywords maybe something like .contains(“simplysave”) And .Contains("- sbi Monthly ").

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I will try it out

@prasanthyadav73, arlight cool, keep me updated, and let me know should you need further assistance.

Email_Saveattachments.xaml (5.5 KB)
This workflow works fine with “If condition” is given as “item.Attachments.any”, But when working with a attachments that need to be saved from the specified Mail, It fails.
Kindly help me out

@prasanthyadav73, cool i will have a look at it