Email AI | NER Model | Service Unavailable | ML Skill unavailable

Hello all,

I am facing an issue while executing Email AI code. I have successfully trained the required models for Classification and NER… However while debugging the NER sequence, I am getting the following JSON output from NER.
I used this link from Email AI documentation to download the dataset and code.

“message”: “{\r\n "code": "ServiceUnavailable",\r\n "message": "ML Skill unavailable",\r\n "stacktrace": null,\r\n "trace_id": "85677b32-fa48-4561-9f6d-f7eaf988ecf8",\r\n "reason": ""\r\n}”,
“level”: “Trace”,
“logType”: “User”,
“timeStamp”: “13:56:51”,
“processVersion”: “1.0.7”,
“jobId”: “210c90f5-41bb-9db2-017daf820e71”,
“robotName”: “******-attended”,
“machineId”: 19108,
“organizationUnitId”: 27718

Any idea why is this happening?