En el ejercicio, tengo que validar una cadena con 3 criterios, pero no me permite añadir una variable booleana al método. En el ejemplo que acompañáis, la variabla es booleana y no da error. Me ayudáis por favor?
Can you share your XAML file
Output Should been in Boolean type Check the varibale
Cuál es el archivo XAML ? Es
it looks like
- there is variable esValida of datatype Boolean
- the output of Matches is assigned to esValida
Depending on what you want to achieve you can correct:
If a Boolean is needed triggering that the pattern was matched or not: → use isMatch
If we do later need the extraced value from the match, then correct the datatype to IEnumerable (Of Match) or better recreate the variable with STRG + K in activity property Result
For working more on API Level have a look here:
[CheatSheet] - System.Text.RegularExpressions | RegEx - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum
muchas gracias!Solucionado!
elimina la variable, luego dale ctrl + k y creas una nueva, el crea automaticamente el tipo de variable que debes usar
@Helena_Mateos_Bravo There are two activities
Matches: Using this you can get all the values that match to a regular expression
Is Match Which returns boolean value when it find the match
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