Edit UiPathScreenOCR in CV scope to Chinese language

hello, I’m currently using UiPathScreenOCR in CV scope. Is there a way to include reading off words in Chinese language? Much help will be appreciated

Hi @Sadder

We have the OCR engine to read the chinses language in UiPath.
There is an activity called OCR-Japanes, Chinese, Korean which is used to read the chinese language.
Extracts a string and its information from an indicated UI element or image by using the OCR engine. It can be used with other OCR activities

Hope it helps!!

hi, yes I’ve seen this activity, but since the cv scope activity only uses UiPathScreenOCR, the output I am getting is unable to detect the Chinese words

Just delete the UiPath Screen OCR in OCR screen scope activity and drag and drop the OCR-Japanese,Chinese,Koraen activity in to the same place.

Give the API Key and Endpoint for this OCR.
Find the below link to know about this OCR

Hope you understand!!

CJK OCR also works in CV Screen Scope as the following. Can you try it?
