Edit the XAML files -- Downloaded from Orchestrator Library

Hi All,

I have downloaded the library package to my local machine and trying to find the XAML files from that package.

Is it possible to edit the reusable activities that are already published to orchestrator and can we able to see XAML files in that NUGET package?

Currently the Workflow is not available within local machine that’s why I have downloaded the nuget package.

Can someone please help me to understand how we can edit the downloaded library package?

Thank you very much in advance.


Hi @Vardhan,

You can’t edit/view xaml files from downloading a library.

You need to have the original code that was created and then pushed as a library. If you are on enterprise version, your team must be maintaining that code somewhere on local or GiT repo etc from where it can be fetched.

To be able to download any library and edit its xaml files defies the purpose of having libraries:)


Thank you so much Sonali.

It resolved my query.



Glad I could help :slight_smile:


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