If possible please allow to open two different activities (selector editors) inside studio and edit their selectors at the same time. Much easier to compare selectors for debugging, copy-ing etc.
If possible please allow to open two different activities (selector editors) inside studio and edit their selectors at the same time. Much easier to compare selectors for debugging, copy-ing etc.
Hello, can you explain it better? We have many tools to edit selectors. We got explorer expert, we can put selectors in a string variable, put variables in selectors, combine them. Make partial selectors and full selectors. We can use wildcards and so on. I don’t think any other tool offers that much.
When you open selector editor, you can’t open another one (from some different activity) at the same time, right ? That’s what I want.
@Petar_Soce You can open using “open in UI Explorer” option. There you can edit selectors of multiple activities at same time.
Thank you for your suggestion. I added it to our internal ideas tracker for our team to consider.