Edge extension - get text from IFRAME

Hello all,

currently I got Studio version 2018.4.3 with edge extention. Searching for each elements on page is working fine, however I cannot get each elements from IFRAME. Is there any way how to get text from this element? OCR worked but not very good and I need the data to be accurate.

Any suggestion will be appreciated.


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Hello all,

Little update on above issue:

Getting data from iframe works only with packages Uipath.UIAutomation.Activities version 18.4.6 and only without using Attach Browser activities as with version 18.4.6 studio doesnt know Edge Browser type and with IE type its of course not working. It was working for me with full selectors.

‚Edge‘ browser type is known only for version 19.x but then its not able to retrieve data from iframe.

I hope this helps.
