As a workaround for now, you can consider using element exists activity to check if pop-up tab appeared in the screen. If yes, kill it before proceeding to next action. This will help to avoid process failures because of this tab popping out.
This caused the process to fail, I assume because the focus moved to the new browser window.
Perhaps a compatibility issue with the browser extension? Current browser extension version is 24.10, which is the version that was applied when we did the upgrade of Studio to 2025.0.157
To avoid process failures due to this pop-up, you can also add below activity in your code before where it is failing.
you can consider using element exists activity to check if pop-up tab appeared in the screen. If yes, kill it before proceeding to next action. This will help to avoid process failures because of this tab popping out.
Also, activating(using Activate activity) the actual window/browser where you wanna work also helps.
When you open the browser, before doing any activity in that browser, add below:
Activate the browser by selecting some element on the browser where you want to perform your next steps.
Also, you can include the element exists activity to check if the element you are trying to access on the browser exists, if yes, then proceed with typing/clicking or whatever tasks you have in your workflow.
What I find interesting, and perhaps a clue to a root cause, is that the new window that’s opening doesn’t have any browser tabs. The tab and the window are one.
To avoid process failures due to this pop-up, you can also add below activity in your code before where it is failing.
you can consider using element exists activity to check if pop-up tab appeared in the screen. If yes, kill it before proceeding to next action. This will help to avoid process failures because of this tab popping out.
Also, activating(using Activate activity) the actual window/browser where you wanna work also helps.
When you open the browser, before doing any activity in that browser, add below:
Activate the browser by selecting some element on the browser where you want to perform your next steps.
Also, you can include the element exists activity to check if the element you are trying to access on the browser exists, if yes, then proceed with typing/clicking or whatever tasks you have in your workflow.
I’ll give this a try as a workaround. When I click manually on the window I want, the extra window stays in the foreground, but perhaps the robot will see it differently.
For this, you can add Element exists activity to find if the extra window has appeared or not. If yes, kill that window before doing anything in the main window.
I opened a ticket with support and got this as a response. I hope it’s helpful to anyone else who encounters this!
Thank you for contacting UiPath Support. My name is Marian and I am the Support Engineer who will be working on your support request. You can reach me by replying to this email.
From what we understand, your automation it is failing because a new browser it is opening without any tags which you cannot control or automate.
Your Chrome profile or Chrome browser got corrupted.
The UiPath Browser Automation just got installed and you are using it for the first without closing all the Chrome browsers and reopen it again.
Since Chrome/Edge v130, when a extension is updated the browser windows it had opened to internal URLs get replaced with “New tab“ instead of being closed.
This also occurs when toggling “Incognito“ or “File URLs“ access for the extension.
Normally, this is just a left over window that can be closed by the user.
But in the case of the UiPath extension, the extension window is hidden by the NativeHost which causes it to become “glitched” when this bug occurs: the user cannot close it and cannot interact with it.
Install the Chrome/Edge extension shipped within UiPath Studio/Robot to 24.10.8 as the UiPath extension v24.10 no longer uses a background page, and therefore is not affected by the Chrome/Edge >=130.x.x bug.
Approach #2
Delete the impacted user profile(s) folder(s) from %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data (you will find the full profile path after accessing chrome://profile-internals/)
When this Chrome bug occurs the only solution is to close the browser from “Settings (three dot button) → Exit“ or add a Kill Process for chrome and reopen the browser.
Let us know which approach helped you to solve the issue.