Dynamically pass a variable into an Url stored into email message

Good Afternoon,

I have a process where I read a Google Spreadsheet and store data into a DataTable.

Using a Foreach, I put value into variables (model, serial number, email address…) and automatically generated an e-mail message specific for each user.

Into body of the email I pass a link that redirect to a Google Forms, where the user must to click and complete manually.
It is possible to pass the variable serial number dynamically into the Google Form?

I want that each user open the Google Forms and can see his serial number.

Thank you for your help.


Hello @nicola.melchiori.nm Welcome to the uipath Community

You can use Assign acitiviuty to pass the value dynamically and join at end as a link



Hi @nicola.melchiori.nm

I think this is more specific question regarding how to pass variables from url to google form field

Below article help you to achieve this

By this you can add the variable in the url (can be done via concatenating variables in url using uipath)

Mark it as solution if it helps you

Thanks & Regards,
Nived N

Thank you all.

Using your input about parameters into URL, I customize my link. I have generated the link from the module, so in this way I’m able to extract the field name.

At this point was very easy to pass my variables.

Thank you very much :slight_smile:

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