In a task, the input should be taken from the excel and should enter into web browser, each round the headers will be change. Which activity should I use to do this task.
for example, In round1, the first row in web browser will ne first name ,In next round the first row will be last name, which activity should I use for that?
Read the input excel file and store it in DT variable (Use READ RANGE ACTIVITY)
Use FOR EACH ROW IN DATA TBALE activity and the DT variable here
Use TYPE INTO activity →
Currentrow("Column name').Tostring
This activity is to enter the data into the website
Check out this image for Reference @anjani_priya
No not like this
The task is there is a website, so from the data in excel, it should dynamically fill all the blanks in the website from excel.
There is 10 rows and 5 columns in website so 10 rows should fill 10 times.
In website, each time the blanks names will be changing like in first time, the first blank will be name and in second time first blank name is phn number. How to navigate in web browser?
can you make use of indicate anchor so that element changes also it will fill the values at the particular field
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