I have the above selector in which AA name will be dynamic but I will not get the complete aaname how can i make my selector dynamic. the value I will be having is val1 = BP41693 & val2= 340138 only these two values i will be getting different for different run and based on that I need to validate my selector.
To make your selector dynamic, you can use the * wildcard character to represent the unknown part of the aaname attribute. For example, the following selector would match any element with the aaname attribute starting with BP41693 and ending with 340138:
Not working as the val is coming from variable and arguements .
Try to use asterisk in the aaname where you want it to be dynamic as below.
aaname=‘* Amsterdam umc location amc.zip’
Best will be if you can share the website & show where you want it to be dynamic.
feel free to use both variables/arguments or prepare the dynamic string on a 3rd variable and use this for the dynamic selector
For standalone validations ensure that the variables/arguments will have defined a valid default value
I know about wildcard(*) and Dynamic selector but the values where not coming straight forward now the issue is fixed.
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