Dynamic Selector causing Timeout

I have a Find Element activity with a dynamic selector:
Once the element is found I click that using Click activity.

This works at times but leads to Activity Timeout exceeded error. I haven’t mentioned Timeout property.

Is there any other approach to handle dynamic clicking?

Thanks in advance!

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I hope it’s a selector issue
Is that element inside any window or browser
If so kindly use find element within Attach browser or Attach window activity and try once

Cheers @Siddarth_Nair

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Do you check if it exists or not?

Try logging the dynamic selector and using UiExplorer

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Yes it is part of a popup window that shows a grid of items and I am trying to click one of the rows dynamically.
And yes I am using Find element within Attach Browser activity.

Then we need to use attach window because attach browser will take the whole browser screen as a element and not the pop up that comes to foreground

Cheers @Siddarth_Nair


yes first i am doing a Find Element with a dynamic selector. Then i am using IF to see if the “element isnot nothing”

Ah! Makes sense. Let me give a try and will get back!


Cheers @Siddarth_Nair

the window is actually a browser dialog frame. I tried finding the dynamic element within this dialog scope but no change in the output. It still takes a lot of time to find and click.

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What do you have in the properties for Find Element?

i.e. WaitForReady and also the options (WaitActive / WaitVisible)

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In Find element activity make sure that Waitforready property is set as COMPLETE

So is it clicking finally