Hi I’m a beginner of UiPath. Recently, I’m working with a project. I have an excel file with “Name”, “Team” and “phone number”. I don’t know how many teams there will be. The cell recorded like this :"“Team 1”,“Team 2” in each cell. So for each team, I need to create a new data table and organize the data by team. The data table name will be named like “team1DT”. Any idea and suggestion, pls
Hi @Wei_Ji_Kwok welcome in uipath forum. can you show excel file or upload excel file
@Wei_Ji_Kwok welcome to Community
Step1: Read Excel using Read Range Activity that retune Datatable
Step2: count No of row for Column “Team” , using distinct if Team are duplicate
to find out how many teams in Excel.
After That you can filter Datatable based on Team value and strore in New datatable
Hello @Wei_Ji_Kwok
Welcome to UiPath community…!
In your case, you can read excel and get the entire data to a datatable DT1.
Then use Filter Datatable and Select keep and choose only the Team column.( This will create a datatable DT2 with only Team column)
Use remove duplicate activtiy on the variable DT2. It will help to remove all the duplicate team names from the DT2 datatable. (consider it as DT3)
Then use a for each row in datatable on the DT3
use filter Datatable (keep only “Team”=row(0).ToString. on DT1)
Use write Range and write this datatable to different sheets in the excel to get the Team wise data.