Dear Team,
I’m facing an issue with excel task. Need sheet2 as an expected output format… Please help me with this.
Team Training - Assignment 3.xlsx (11.5 KB)
Dear Team,
I’m facing an issue with excel task. Need sheet2 as an expected output format… Please help me with this.
Team Training - Assignment 3.xlsx (11.5 KB)
Based on the provided data in the sheet2 & expected output sheet, you can use the following query for grouping the data:
outputTable = (From row In inputTable.AsEnumerable()
Group row By Fruits = row("Fruits") Into Group
Select New With {
.Fruits = Fruits,
.Quantity = Group.Sum(Function(r) CInt(r("Quantity")))
Hope this helps,
Best Regards.
How about the following?
dt = dt.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(r) r("Fruits").ToString()).Select(Function(g) dt.Clone.LoadDataRow({g.Key,g.Sum(Function(r) CInt(r("Quantity").ToString()))},False)).CopyToDataTable() (11.2 KB)
Not through link query. Is it possible in another way
Well, in that case, how about the following approach?
outputTable = inputTable.Clone()
For each row in inputTable
foundRows = outputTable.Select("Fruits = '" + row("Fruits").ToString + "'")
If foundRows.Count > 0
foundRows(0)("Quantity") = CInt(foundRows(0)("Quantity")) + CInt(row("Quantity"))
Else newRow = outputTable.NewRow()
newRow("Fruits") = row("Fruits")
newRow("Quantity") = row("Quantity")
End For Each
Hope this helps,
Best Regards.
I’m getting an error at 2nd for each activity.
Did you run the sample as it is or modified workflow?
What error do you have?
Can you try to add new object() as the following because of Windows project?
new object() {currentItem.Key,currentItem.Value}
Thank you. Got the solution.
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