Duplicates from one sheet and adding

Dear Team,

I’m facing an issue with excel task. Need sheet2 as an expected output format… Please help me with this.
Team Training - Assignment 3.xlsx (11.5 KB)

Hi @ramshiva_reddy

Based on the provided data in the sheet2 & expected output sheet, you can use the following query for grouping the data:

outputTable = (From row In inputTable.AsEnumerable()
               Group row By Fruits = row("Fruits") Into Group
               Select New With {
                   .Fruits = Fruits,
                   .Quantity = Group.Sum(Function(r) CInt(r("Quantity")))

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.


How about the following?

dt = dt.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(r) r("Fruits").ToString()).Select(Function(g) dt.Clone.LoadDataRow({g.Key,g.Sum(Function(r) CInt(r("Quantity").ToString()))},False)).CopyToDataTable()

Sample20230710-2L.zip (11.2 KB)


Not through link query. Is it possible in another way


Well, in that case, how about the following approach?

outputTable = inputTable.Clone()
For each row in inputTable
    foundRows = outputTable.Select("Fruits = '" + row("Fruits").ToString + "'")
If foundRows.Count > 0
        foundRows(0)("Quantity") = CInt(foundRows(0)("Quantity")) + CInt(row("Quantity"))

Else  newRow = outputTable.NewRow()
        newRow("Fruits") = row("Fruits")
        newRow("Quantity") = row("Quantity")
End For Each

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

FYI, another approach using Dictionary.

Sample20230710-2Lv2.zip (11.7 KB)

I’m getting an error at 2nd for each activity.


Did you run the sample as it is or modified workflow?
What error do you have?


I have attached image. Please check


Can you try to add new object() as the following because of Windows project?

 new object() {currentItem.Key,currentItem.Value}


Thank you. Got the solution.

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