duplicate a column when writing range from data table to excel file
please elaborate more on the requirements of your case. Thanks
You need to duplicate which column. can you elaborate more on the issue pls.
actually i am reading my excel file in data table using read range activity.
deleting first column and adding date in second column in same excel file by using write range activity. when i am writing same excel file this type of data duplication error occur in my excel file.
left column contains garbage data which uipath write range is adding automatically while right side column is correct data.
HI @mu_nazza ,
If you are writing a Modified datatable back to an Excel file with reduced rows or reduced Columns, we would ask you to First Clear the Contents in the Excel file and then write the Datatable.
For Clearing the Contents, you can use Write Cell
Activity as mentioned in the below post :
kindly suggest some other solution