Dropdown is auto-populating the value in Form Task

I am trying to use a dropdown field in Uipath Form Task. But in Action Center, the dropdown field is always auto-populated with the last value of dropdown list. I am taking the dropdown values from a datatable.

In this case last value in the dropdown list ‘Select one from list’ is auto-populated.

Can you please help me out to remove the auto-population in dropdown.
@paras.gera @loginerror @jjes @Palaniyappan @ppr

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I believe your value in the column in datatable (associated with the data grid) has a default value set when the task was created.
If you set that to blank, the dropdown will render blank.

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Thank you for your response!
But there is no default value given for the dropdown field.


Here in the below screenshot ‘Select one from list’ is not default value. I given it as the last value of my dropdown list. Dropdown is auto-populating whatever the last value in the list.


Can anyone please give me any update on this?

@paras.gera @loginerror @jjes @ppr

Could you provide a minimal workflow that replicates this behaviour, please?

Here is the sample workflow

Dropdown_FormTask.zip (9.3 KB)

In my case there is multiple rows with different dropdown values for each row. That is why I am using datatable column for passing values to dropdown list.

A few things I noticed which should be corrected in the workflow:

  1. The datatable being passed to the ‘CreateFormTask’ has a suffix _dropdown. This is a special keyword for form actions and should only be used for passing list of dropdown options and nothing else.
  2. The Dropdown component has the field key ListMultiple_dropdown. The field key should have been ListMultiple. And the ListMultiple_dropdown list of dropdown options should be passed in the form collection instead.
  3. You are adding a column named as ListMultiple_dropdown in datatable. When you do correct with (2), you should rename this too correctly.

Something like this:



Please read through this doc for more info:

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Thank you for your response!

I removed the suffix _dropdown from both datatable and Form Task.

But as I already mentioned, in my case there is multiple rows with different dropdown values for each row. If there is large no. of rows, it will be difficult to pass the dropdown values as list in Form Task( as each row will contain a dropdown with different values accordingly).

That is why I tried passing value from datatable.
Then I am getting the dropdown field value as auto-populated with whatever the last value in the list.

If I may ask what’s the use case for having different options for dropdowns in the same column?
And if you can explain how you are developing the form, it will help me understand and recommend a solution to it.

It might be the forms and dynamic dropdown might not fit your usecase.

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As per my usecase scenario dynamic dropdown is re-iterating for every row.


My requirement is to remove the auto-population of the dropdown field. Or is there any way to make the dropdown field as mandatory? As there is already some value is populating required field condition is not working.

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