input file data in excel sheet…
bot to choose value as present data excel reflected in dropdown list.
How to verfiy the bot is correctly select the item or not…
Any idea…
input file data in excel sheet…
bot to choose value as present data excel reflected in dropdown list.
How to verfiy the bot is correctly select the item or not…
Any idea…
Hi @Shyam_Pragash
is it a UI Dropdown --if so use GET TEXT and compare in if condition
if the dropdown value is in Excell --kindly try read cell activity and compare in if condition
i tried above u said… but i have one issue… some input date have some blank space in ui dropdown list…
how get is from background code and verify it… ?
Hello @Shyam_Pragash
Can you give more insight into your requirement? It’s a little confusing here.
Are you trying to select some value in the drop down based on the excel values? If you yes, you can use select item activity to achive that. If the requirement is something different plz elaborate.
Hello @Rahul_Unnikrishnan
See… in the list of skills
input sheet list skills… Select item activity used to item one by one… but some times bot not correctly selected… so that i want to verify it & try to select correct one in the input sheet… How to verify it bot correctly choosed or not.
Hello @Shyam_Pragash
If the item in the sheet is same as the item in the dropdwon it will select properly… But you need to ensure both the vlues are same… If there are some unwanted characters like space can impact the select item and it will choose wrong values… Just try to execute in debug mode and check whether yhe values from excel are exact matching to the dropdwon. Also give enough delay
Some time i got error on dropdown… while selecting the list… so that i want to verify it corrected…if not seletect again try to select it correct… always try to select correct one… other loop run it correct selection happens…
@Shyam_Pragash i dont think that kind of validation is possible unless it thiws a validation error…
Else after selecting the item use a get attribute on the Drop down and validate it again.