Downloading PDFs from table when there is no table


Need to click “Lataa” button every row in table to get PDF receipt downloaded.

Problem is that there iso HTML code in page. When showing page source in browser, it looks like this:

Is there any possibility to get UiPath click “Lataa” button in every table row?

When using Data Scraping tool, get this result

Find solution my self. UI Explorer grabs HTML from page. In selector is table row number idx=‘3’. Now can calculate from datatable row count and use that as variable in selector inside loop.

Hi @mikko1
Try using For Each UiElement.

*Add an If statement to filter if CurrentElement.Selector.Text.Trim.ToUpper.Contains the tag attribute like href or the name Lataa

*In the Then path, use click and inject ‘CurrentElement’ generated by the for each. This will allow UiPath to work directly with the element without mapping the element on object repo or without adjusting descriptors


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