Hello Everyone iam working on a new process of CDSL & NDSL
Someone please help me with this simple task usually bot will login on a website with a given credentials and once bot logged in to website.It will download the yesterday’s date 3 folders
So can someone please help me how can i download yesterday’s date 3 folders?
CVLKRA,CAMS,KARVY this are the 3 folders name @adiijaiin but afterlogin to website there are many folders available in website the folders name are like this 18062023 16062023
so i want to download yesterday’s date folder and inside that folder CVLKRA,CAMS,KARVY this folders i want to download
@adiijaiin should i use assign activity and store that folder’s name in array and then i have to pass that in for each right and after that i have to use if inside that?
Você pode usar a atividade for each para cada data, por exemplo para dia em um array (18,17,16) você obtém o dia, concatena com o mês e o ano se for necessário e programa os passos que você precisa fazer para baixar os arquivos.
@adiijaiin Now.AddDays(-1).toString(“ddMMyyyy”) in this code it is only downloading the year 2023
it should type whole date
example of yesterday’s date-19062023 like this
Index can be the property of the for loop …and assign variable…and to check how many are there use check appstate and if condition inside loop and when check app state is true downlod folder else break the loop
And requireddate = Now.Adddays(-1).ToString("MMddyyyy")