Download the file from chrome, save it into different folders

Hi everyone! I am struggling to get the following done. I have a list of login information to get into a website to download the .csv file a few times per week. Since each of them is from different company, I have to move the downloaded file (which by default is save directly to “C:\Users\system.Name\Downloads”) to the company’s folder respectively.
After downloading all the files of all companies and move them to their respective folder, I have to compare their previous .csv file to current file to compare if they have new transaction occurred.

Any idea guys? The problem I’m facing now is I don’t know how to move the current file to their respective company’s folder.

Thank you for your help in advance!

Hey @RPA_Innovation

I feel you should move the file as soon as it is downloaded instead of downloading all files first and then trying to move.

In this way you know which company file you are currently downloading & hence the same can be moved using the Move File activity.

Hope this helps.
