Download file through an url

I tried to download an excel file through an Url in chrome navigator.
I tried to use http request activity but the file saved is always corrupted.
Have you any idea how to solve this issue?


What do you mean by installing excel file from chrome?

also in http request are you passign the full file url and then givign the correct extension for file in the response field


I mean download sorry.
Yes I pass the full url and I gave the right extension. The file is created in the right location but when I open it I get this error:

was it done by using the following settting?


Try to open the file in notepad and and check if you can find any issue

Alternately please show us the http request how you are using…

also does the file required any authentication to get downloaded?

and if you click on the url you use does it prompt to save as or download the file autoamtically if you do it manually?


Yes exactly, I put the directory and the file name in this field

Just Cross Check by a manually Download what is offered for detail Excel type Like xlsx, xls, xlsm…

This is the http request proprieties:

If I click on the Url the excel file is opened in the navigator and I should click on “download a copy” to be able to downloaded manually.


Then just to check can you try to give the url of download a copy and check fi that saves the correct file…may be the url youa re usign is not for download of it
