How do I make the flow, So that it will click to the mentioned driver, as given in the screenshot?
1)Opened Dell site
2) Entering the model no:
3) Click Support and Product support.
4) Click download and Drivers
5) Click Laptop
from here how do I make Automation project, So that it will click on the Particular Driver as given in the excel?
As you said I tried to make dynamic with the variable which is Shown in SS. But I am getting an error **Can not find the UI element corresponding to this selector. For your reference, I am attaching a screenshot. Please help me to Click Dynamically.
Yeah, in the dynamic selector which we have passed, we dont have Driver Details in the aaname attribute, & thats why its not able to identify the element.
Just try to give * after the name(Downloads.tostring) in your dynamic selector, and check whether it works or not…
First read the excel and in for each row read the single row value of Download column and then store it in a variable then by using the dynamic selector just identify the aaname or innertext and just pass the variable to the value to it.
Hi @ramkrishna2k3
Try to directly select that element manually and check what is the selector and share that screenshot buddy, lets what it gives us
Cheers @ramkrishna2k3