Whats the best way to download sharepoint folders and files? Easily.
I know theres the 365 scope but it kind sucks to configure.
Can anyone make me.baby steps as example?
Where are you stuck?
What did you try?
Ideally first if authwntication is sorted
Then find files/folders will help you find the folder where you want to upload
Then use the output in aubsequent activity to uplod local file to that found location
I know this is the way.
But maybe my azzure dont have permission.
So what is the correct configuration needed ?
Open the exception details from locals panel and check…you would see proper info
also here is the config
Yeah it happens because my organization does not have this permission.
it sucks.
I’ll have to login to site and download manually like the INCAS did.
Thanks anyway!
What do you mean …you dont have an azure setup?
Try to use the UiPath integration services it would use UiPath app to connect…if you are admin or have consent account can use it
Dont have permission. But thanks anyway