Dowload API File

Hello everyone, I am using the HTTP request for the deepL API to send a file to it for translation.

Everything is going well, however when the file is translated, I would like to download it locally on my computer.


So I created a variable ResponsePJ

The variable type is ILocalRessource, how can I save this file on my computer?


HI @DimitriLYR

Did you try with the sample given here in the below thread


The ILocal is already saving the file on the computer. We can later retrieve the filepath by:
YourVar.LocalPath and can grab the file

Hello, I will try, but I do not have the “Create Directory” activity

@ppr when I put Yourvar.Local path it tells me that my variable is empty…

we recommend debugging it.
When HTTP Request has stored the response in a file successfully then LocalPath indicates where it is stored.

The following was done (project set to Windows compatibility):



then we get:

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It’s works ! Thanks !

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