Issue with Intelligent Form Extractor: DocumentUnderstanding server returned 503 (Service Unavailable) Additional details: No healthy upstream.
Troubleshooting steps:
- kubectl -n monitoring get svc
If grafana is not exposed on NodePort, then edit the service and change the type to "NodePort"
grafana NodePort <none> 3000:30902/TCP 89d
- Whitelist the NodePort, in this case 30902 port has to be whitelisted
- Open the grafana dashboard via browser http://NodeIP:NodePort
- user name and password to login will be found here
kubectl -n monitoring get secret grafana-admin -o yaml
echo -n 'xxxx' | base64 -d
- Left Side Pane -> Dashboards -> Manage
See bunch of out of box dashboards here which will assist debugging out of RAM or CPU or disk issues.