Document Understanding - How to extract data in table from the pdf having multiple subcolumns

Hello Team I have a PDF file containing the data in the below format and the PDF is in native format.

We are having challenges extracting the data from the table because it contains the multi header and marge column with sub-column on it

Pls provide me, How I should train the DU for this and get data with the highlighted column.

this data is available on 4th page.
Clix Capital Services Private Limited - Itachi 2023.pdf (405.0 KB)

Have you tried with Form Extractor

yes i tried but due to column containing sub column data is not extracted in correct format

  • If possible, try to obtain the PDFs in a format that is easier to parse, such as HTML or CSV.
  • If the PDFs are password-protected, make sure you have the necessary permissions to remove the password before processing them.
  • Be aware of potential errors in the data extraction process. It’s always a good idea to verify the extracted data against the original PDF.