Document understanding dispatcher

I have trying to push the extracted data to queue.

I have attached the sample excel.In that excel,I have regular fields as well as table fields data. Some pdf extraction have single rows. And some pdf extraction table informations are more than a rows.

How do I push the extracted data of single pdf extraction data from the consolidated output into a single queue transactions.

For your reference, I have attached the sample excel file. Please guide me with the sample flows and steps.

OrderEntryAutomation_sample.xlsx (11.5 KB)


Rather than adding all the data it would be good idea to add a identifier like invoiceid and in performer you can read the same file for invoice id and get the data


I did not get your point. Will you please explain with example then I will try it


I hope after extraction you are saving the data into a file…

Now instead of adding all data to the queue…you can add only the invoice number which is unique…

This way queue will have invoice number…and when you get the queue item in performer open the excel again and search for the invoice number using find/replace and then get the required data from the associated rows into a datatable
