Document Understanding Auto-Training is Failing.
Issue Description: Document Understanding Auto-Training is Failing
Root Cause: Most issues with auto-retraining are caused by misconfigurations.
- First, review the docs to make sure the correct steps are being taken. See: The Auto-Fine-tuning Loop (Public Preview) ( Ensure to go to the version specific documents)
- Login To AI Center
- Check the package version. Document Understand Package Versions of 22.5.X have a known issue with auto retraining. If using one of these packages, either upgrade to a newer release (if one is out) or downgrade to 22.4.X.
- AI Center -> ML Packages and click the package in question. The page should have version information.
- Validate the Dataset.
- Go to the dataset that is being used for the pipeline.
- AI Center->DataSets and select the dataset.
- In the Dataset folder there should be a folder called export. Select this folder.
- In the folder there should be folders titled "auto-export-XXX"
- Additionally there should be a file called latest.txt.
- Here is an example of what we are looking for:
- Once it has been validated that this files exist, please take a screenshot to share with support if a ticket is opened.
- If the dataset does not contain the auto-export folders that means that auto-retraining has not be enabled. If the latest.txt file is not present, it could be it was deleted by a user. If that is the case it should be recreated on the next export. For enabling scheduled exports see: The Auto-Fine-tuning Loop (Public Preview)
- Go to the dataset that is being used for the pipeline.
- Validate the Pipeline settings.
- AICenter -> Pipelines
- When creating a pipeline, its important that the following rules are followed:
- For the Input dataset, the export folder should be selected.
- For the evaluation dataset, a specific export is select (This should only change when your model changes. So from run to run it will usually be the same.)
- The auto-retraining variable is set to True.
- Here is an example
- In this example the Input dataset is set to EvalTest/export (i.e. /, and export folder will always be named 'export'.
- Evaluation dataset is set to the initial evaluation dataset that was made when labeling data, EvalTest/export/Test_22-08-32T214352
- Here is a screenshot.
- With the proper steps for creating a pipeline in mind, go to the failed pipeline and make sure the above rules were followed.
- AI Center -> Pipelines
- Click the Failed pipeline.
- Validate the above settings. For the environment variable, make sure to click on the down arrow for parameters. Make sure to take a screenshot to share with support.
- Here is an example:
- If the settings are not correct, then the pipeline needs to be recreated with the correct settings.
- Finally check the pipeline logs.
- On the failed pipeline, download the logs.
- Click the download button on the bottom of the pipeline page.
- In the logs search for: 'Auto-retraining enabled, checking latest.txt'
- If the above is not present it means that auto-training is enabled correctly. If it is not, then it means either:
- Auto training was not enabled correctly
- Or it could be a bug.
- If the line is present, that mostly likely means that another issue is causing the failure. We recommend looking at the error in that case and checking other KB articles, etc.
- On the failed pipeline, download the logs.
- If this article does not resolve the issue, open a ticket with UiPath and include the following:
- Screenshot of the Dataset captured in the step for validating the dataset.
- Screenshot of the pipeline settings in the step for validating the pipeline settings.
- The Pipeline logs.
- Include the ML package version that is being used.
- AI Center version. Or if on cloud include your support ID: Managing Organization Settings and the tenant name.