Document is invalid error studio


I am getting document is invalid error whenever i am opening my already created processes. I created a new process that worked fine. How can i resolve this issue?

Uploading: image.png…

Is that file is there in the same location.

Click on home and then open file using open local project option instead of opening it frok recent ones.

Did you perform some manual actions for the xaml files?
Did you copy the xaml files from one place to another or generated the xaml file without using UiPath Studio?

I copied while folder from my local system to the server

Can you publish the project from your local system to a custom location (on your local system) including the source files (xaml files) and then transfer the generated nupkg file to the server machine and extract it and then open the Main.xaml file?

The simplest solution that has worked perfectly is to rename the project.json to project.json.old and open the project again. It will resolve it.

This is an old question but I wanted to add this in case if someone new found it.

I had this error and the solution was that the latest version of one of the packages (a library) had an error in it.
To resolve it in the project that was giving me Document is invalid error, I downgraded the library to the previous version.

Resolving the error in the library was the next step (in this case, there was an error in the namespaces).