DO while - How to check the string has containg desired value or not in Do while

My Req-
I am having value on web page in some dynamaic table format. I am getting value one by one and checking if any string is having my desired value or not if string match i want to get the whole string of that. below is the thing i tried but it exits after one record.

How to check

Below is the web format.

yourstringvariable.ToString.Contains(“your text to be found”)

Not working. Its going out from while loop after 1st attempt.


Can you Write Line the closureNotes variable and see what’s the value?


@Puneet_Singh1 its mean your condition is true you want to break loop right?

Place Not before condition

Can you try like this, just to be cautious on the empty spaces.


No condition is not true on first attemp string from web is " Check in Completed by Budi Silalahi on 6/8/2023 at 1:42 PM(PDT)" and i checking “Enter Closure Notes”

If I understand correctly, you’d want to do something like this for the loop to keep going:
Not closureNotes.ToString.Contains("Enter closeout notes")

did you try this one?

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