Dispatcher in infinite loop problem during orchestrator scheduling

Hi friends,

I have an issue during deployment of my Re Framework process. It is an ongoing process which in the dispatcher part checks for incoming e-mail and if it finds any, goes to processing them in performer. It has Stop activity in GetTransactionData part (so, the usual). Whole Dispatcher REFramework is invoke-workflowed in additional State Machine in Performer REFramework (which is the main one).

The problem I am getting is that suddenly Dispatcher started going into infinite loop only when run from orchestrator/agent, but while running/debugging from Studio everything works perfectly. Stopping the workflow from Orchestrator doesn’t stop the infinite loop either. Would really appreciate your help, as I am sitting on this for two days now, and not seeing any silver lining so far.


You have to set No more transaction To Nothing

Hi @Adrian123,

Yes as @sandipauti mentioned, you have to set the flag as nothing. So that it can directly redirect to End State. Refer attached.

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