How can the Marketplace button / widget be disabled in UiPath Assistant?
If unexpected restrictions are experienced on the Robot machines due to their internal policies, there will be disabling of the Marketplace button from the Assistant application.
Resolution: Here are the steps to perform in order to disable that button,
- Navigate to the following path: C:\Users\[robot.account]\AppData\Roaming\UiPath
- Open the agent-settings.json file with a text editor (like Notepad++) - make sure you have copied this file to another location first as a backup
- Add the below config lines under the "agent" section:
"defaultNugetWidgetConfig": {
"widgets": {},
"enableOldWidgets": false,
"enableFallbackFeed": false,
"expires": "2025-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"policy": "Marketplace Off"
The final agent-settings.json file will look like this:
"agent": {
"language": "en",
"theme": "dark",
"hotkeys": {
"start": [],
"stop": null,
"pause": null
"keepInTaskbar": false,
"showSecondColumn": false,
"firstColumnWidth": 436,
"secondColumnWidth": 427,
"officialWidgetFeedUrl": "",
"useFolderView": false,
"showStartMenuShortcuts": true,
"hiddenCustomTiles": [],
"zoomLevel": 100,
"defaultNugetWidgetConfig": {
"widgets": {},
"enableOldWidgets": false,
"enableFallbackFeed": false,
"expires": "2025-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"policy": "Marketplace Off"
"electron": {
"window": {
"position": {
"x": 746,
"y": 226
"size": {
"width": 448,
"height": 731
"user": {
"identifier": "7a2e03fe-626a-4b11-9211-cabf0ce76e6f"
The tab is disabled now,
Note: Changes are done while the Robot is disconnected from Orchestrator and the Assistant app closed. If already connected and see no changes after editing the file, allow it some time for the already downloaded policy to expire. After this, the local policy just created should apply.