Digitize Document: The extension '.ini' does not have a known content type defined

Hello All,

I am getting the above error even after chaging the file path of the extracted data table.

The file path of input file (invoices)is : “C:\Users\saiki\Downloads\Invoices”
extracted data file: “C:\Users\saiki\OneDrive\Desktop\RPA\Invoices.xlsx”

Hey @Sai_Kiran_Diyya
Ensure that the input file is correct. The error means that you are trying digitize unsupported format.

Thanks for your response @pikorpa.

I had rechecked and mentioned the correct input file path and ran the process, but still the same error.

It is supported formats. What is format of your file?



Can you check content of file variable in Locals panel and share screenshot of it when workflow stops in debug run? It may not be same with what we expect.


Please have a look,


The above screenshot shows content of file variable is not invoice1.pdf but desktop.ini .
So it’s necessary to check and review how to get content of file variable.


I asked you about it :slight_smile: you need to change the variable.
You should:

  1. Creating the Variable:
  • In the “Variables” panel, create a variable named files of type String[].
  1. Adding an Assign Activity:
  • Add an Assign activity to your workflow.
  • In the “To” field, enter files.
  • In the “Value” field, enter Directory.GetFiles("C:\YourFolderPath"), replacing "C:\YourFolderPath" with the actual path to your folder.

After that you need to use for each activity:

The file variable is of for each loop where the folder iteration is being done through. FYI, here is the entire process.

Main.xaml (29.9 KB)


Can you try to use the following expression in the first Assign activity?



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I did the same, but still facing the issue.

Thank You @Yoichi , it worked.

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Thanks a lot @pikorpa for your inputs and time.

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