Good Morning ,

We work with orchestrator making deployments to execute different processes.

In a lot of cases, when we execute in attented (directly in uipath studio) , all found correctly but when we push to orchestrator and execute unattended, a lot of selectores finish faulted.

We think is because the different resolution in executions between unattended vs attended.

¿Is it possible?

Hello Carlos_Luque,

If using the latest version of the ReFramework the resolution is built into a log message and this could tell you if it is a resolution issue. Alternatively, one major issue we discovered when switching attended to unattended is the UiPath Assistant configuration.

When installing the UiPath Assistant it will ask if you want to install it as attended or unattended. Once we had re-installed the assistant as unattended all of our issues including selectors and resolution went away.

I would heavily recommend re-installing the assistant as unattended and re-running the automation.
