Difference between community orchestrator and licensed orchestrator


can I use an enterprise edition orchestrator to run the project?

any suggestions are welcome!!

Hi @vinutha1
U can based on platform.uipath.com or you can use your own url


thank you @AshwinS2 … i mean i want to keep the project running in production scheduling the time …s that possible in ED orchestrator?

I hope running of production robots is possible in Enterprise orchestrator for now as community edition will run only the development bots @vinutha1.

@HareeshMR Thank you!1

So if we want to run the project in production we need to do it in licensed orchestrator.

Yes, I found it some documents of UiPath. But somehow I missed it. Please check Licensing and Orchestration documents @vinutha1. You will get it :slight_smile:

Thank you so much @HareeshMR

Happy to help @vinutha1