Diff in REFramework with & Without Queue

Guys just so that I dont get confused all times I am trying to consolidate difference between - changes you make to REFramework when using Queue and REFramework when not using Queue(could be excel file)

  1. When using Orchestrator txn Queue, we do not need to increment TransactionNumber in GetTransactionState. whereas if we are not using Queue, we have to add assign activity to increment TrasanctionNumber.

  2. When using Queue, we do not make any changes to SetTransactionStatus workflow. but when not using Queue, we have to delete “Success”, “Handle Business Exception” and “Handle System Exception” workflows present in SetTransactionStatus.

Can you pls confirm if my understanding is correct and also add more to the list. This can be referred everytime when in doubt.



Good evening Devjyoti,

  1. Correct
  2. This one depends on your goal. When I do projects that have an Excel file as the source of queue items, I always keep the Success/Exception workflows because I want those values written back to the Excel file to act a final status report.

When not using the Orchestrator, you will need to change the type of the variable TransactionItem and of all the arguments from QueueItem to System.Data.DataRow. This includes all the workflows it is being passed into.

This user did a phenomenal job listing some of the actions you need to take when using non-Orchestrator as the source:


Thanks a lot Chenderson!!!

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