
Hi, here I was trying to manipulate the dictionary variable to string.Could some help me whay I am getting this error.


Did you give dict(name).ToString



Put .ToString after the object variable

Still same error. But when I done before it was fine.

The below image is the previous one still working fine.

Hi @Pushpendra_kowthavarapu
In your case, you can use only ‘dict’ in your for, and t

o retrieve de value of key, you can use currentItem.Value. Examine this example


Can you show the current script that you are using in assign

Also as mentioned above you can directly use dictionary in the for loop ans use currentitem.value and currentitem.key


The below is the New one that I have written.

And this is the previous one.


Please shwo the expression you have inside the assign

May be name is not recognized

Try dict(name.ToString)


And this is the previous one.


May be when the value is changed the for loop auto casted name to object instead of string…ao try with dict(name.ToString)



Instead of datetime.Parse use datetime.ParseExact

DateTime.ParseExact(dict(name).ToString,"Your Format",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

import System.Globalization

But in runtime it was giving this error.


as per error the value in dictionary for one of the key is empty , a blank string…check that


Thanks for the suggestion. I will do it .

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Hi, I tried it but still not working .

Hi @Pushpendra_kowthavarapu

Try this way:

Assign-> DicVar = New Dictionary(of String,String)

Assign-> DicVar("Varun") = "08-11-2000"

For Each currentKeyValuePairOfTextAndText in DicVar
    Assign-> str_Date = DateTime.ParseExact(currentKeyValuePairOfTextAndText.Value, "MM-dd-yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("MM-dd-yyyy")
End For Each

DicVar is of DataType System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(System.String,System.String). str_Date is of DataType System.String.

If you have more queries, I’m happy to help.
