I am using UiPath.System.Activities version 19.4.0 in library and version 20.10.6 in Process. when i impost package of library then process shows below error:
In your library, make sure the UiPath.System.Activities dependency is set to “lowest applicable version” - this means when used in your process, the newer version will override the older version.
Its already selected Lowest Applicable Version. I am using lower version in Library and higher version in Process.
When I import package of library in process then it gives that error but when I make same version of UiPath.System.Activities in library then that error removes. We can not upgrade system.activities version in library as old processes are using this library with lower version.
Please suggest what should I do to overcome this issue.
thats the issue i can not upgrade the system.actvities version in my processes for now as it build 3 years ago and it can be issue in existing processes.