Delete folder

This is throwing Delete folder request is giving me 404 error in Studio. Can you please advise how to fix it? Is there a way to provide folder id? Thank you,


Can you try as the following?


note: 956533 is folder id and we can know it from URL when access to the folder using Browser. (fid)


Hey @A_Learner! :slight_smile:

To provide the correct folder ID, please navigate to your folder in Orchestrator. Then, check the URL—you should find something like this in it.


“tid” stands for tenant ID, and “fid” stands for folder ID.

“fid” is what you’re looking for.

Hope this helps!


@Yoichi It did not work. Giving me 405 error.

Thank you.

@Julian_Muhlbauer the folder is what I am using.

Thank you,


Can you share screenshot of the OrchestartorHTTPRequest acyivity and result (response) string from it?



There is a prerequisite for the folder to be deleted that no entities or users should be present



404 means “not found”. So, for now, can you check folder which you want to delete exists? Also check your Studio is connecting with tenant which has folder which you want to delete?


@A_Learner , are you able to list folders?


@sudster Yes, I am able to list folders.

Thank you,

Yes, Studio is connecting to the tenant. The folder is available too. Thank you!

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