Delete Duplicates in a Column in Excel sheet

I have the attached file and it contains column Name “To”. I need to delete the duplicates in this column,.
Email Extracted Data.xlsx (12.0 KB)

I tried some of the details examples

DTeMails.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(Function(i) i.Field(Of String)(“To”)).Select(Function(g) g.First).CopyToDataTable
and dt = dt.Asenumberable().Group(Function(a) a.Field(of string)(“yourcolumnname”).ToString).Select(Functions(b) b.First()).CopyToDatatable()

but I couldn’t make it to work.
Appreciate your help on this.

Can you go through this link and see if heplful

following could help:

  • more precise definition on defining of deletion of duplicates:
    • deletion of entire duplicates, keeoing one record…
  • the query syntax of LINQ

Lets play with following:
(From d in YourDataTableVar.AsEnumerable
Group d By k=d(2).toString.trim Into grp=Group
Where grp.Count > 1
Select grp.First()).CopyToDataTable

with this pattern we can control and adjust:
Where grp.Count = 1
catch all Non Duplicates - Removing the duplicates we can do within a second step and set operation Except

Where grp.Count > 1
Select grp.First())

Take from all duplicates the first

Where grp.Count >= 1
Select grp.First())

Take all non duplicates and take from all duplicates the first

So feel free to give it into a play round. In case of you need more help let us know more requirements on the sample input, sample expected output



Please find the attached xaml and do let me know if this works for you.


Duplicate_Columns.xaml (7.5 KB) Email Extracted Data.xlsx (11.7 KB) Output.xlsx (8.9 KB)


I’m getting this error


set proper columnname in Excel or use Columnindex 2

This is the excel file

and this is the value of dtArray= dt.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(Function(x) x.Field(Of String)(“To”)).Select(Function(y) y.First()).ToArray()

I dont get you.
The downloaded / shared Excel didnt had a “To” ColumnName but if you added thats OK

dtArray= dt.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(Function(x) x.Field(Of String)(“To”)).Select(Function(y) y.First()).ToArray()

is a different one from my post. So what is your Question?

When I download excel, it didn’t have any column names, so I have added column names and wrote LINQ. Are you getting any error while running the attached xaml?

find some starter help, showcasing:

  • retrieve duplicates
  • retrieve non duplicates
  • retrieve nonduplicates and first from duplicates

StarterHelp here:
FindDupsUniquesFirstFromGroup_By1Col.xaml (8.4 KB)

It is now working the one that was provided by @nagireddy18. I just recreated the script in my machine and run and it worked.

Thanks everyone for your help.

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