Delete button if aaname matches

Hi Guys,


I have a div like this its not a datatable… so here TEST1,2,…are aaname…here idx=1 same for all the rows… but in Actions column… for every delete idx is changing for every row…

so now i am passing the TEST name dynamically ..from the excel… so if the TEST Matches with the excel column then i want to delete that particualar row…

its not a datatable…

There is no relation between test and delete …i am passing the test value dynamically from excel …so i want to delete that particular test…


Hi @suresh_kumar4

set a counter flag for delete button based on idx by incrementing to 1 and based on the condition it will delete based on condition as StrOutput .ToString.Contains(“Test”)

use click button based on counter

Ashwin S

Hi Ashwin…thanks for your quick reply…

I dont know how to implement in uipath…can you please guide me the steps so that i can try it out…


Hi @suresh_kumar4

Use StrOutput.ToString.Contains(“test”)
use then
create an int variable and selector for delete button set idx=‘"+counter.ToString+’" and for delete button

Ashwin S