Delete all the rows above dynamic row

The row highlighted in yellow will not be always in fixed row in this excel sheet.
Our requirement is to delete all the rows above highlighted row.

Hi @Sathish_Kumar_S ,

Follow this below steps,

  1. First Lookup for “User” value in excel as shown in below screenshot and get the address of the value.

  2. Next use Insert/DeleteRows activity as shown below,


Hope this may help you :slight_smile:


This will delete all the rows above the look up value?

Hi @Sathish_Kumar_S ,

Yes, Can you run for your input file and let us know?

Hi @Sathish_Kumar_S

Alternative Method:

  • Use excel scope, within this use LookUp Range activity to look for that value
  • This activity returns the cell value
  • Now use Delete Range activity to delete the respective range from an excel

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