Decisions, Iterations, and Scenarios in StudioX - Working With Multiple Templates

I would highly recommend covering some of the tasks associated with this module before getting to the last exercise. The file naming conventions were not covered amongst other things and this was nowhere close to a 25 minute exercise for StudioX users.

Thanks, That makes total sense!

My solution was correct but because the project folder is different , the computer could not detect where my files were

My solution is on the right : Project folder is stored in Documents
Their solution is on the left : Project folder is stored in D: drive, where I want the project folder to be.

How do I change the project folder of a UiPathTemplate ? ( instead of changing the overall Project Folder in Settings? )

This was a good task. I used one if statement to assess the “need a CV or not” situation and under “Then” managed to have a switch statement creating all the resume names.
One thing to note is that the name and picture should be taken from the “Current Row” tab because that will make life simpler for copy-pasting the code into another. “Selecting word document” should also be that way. Like: directory"Row CV Type".docx. This will ensure that you don’t have to specify the resume name under each Case in the switch code.

This really felt like I’m automating my routine work. I was scared at first but a man who fears suffers twice. So tried and got it working the 2nd time. Thanks!

I am going through the Citizen Developer set of courses, and some of the info in this (Excel foreach) was needed in an earlier course (not explained there - though easy enough to figure out on my own when I needed it). I found myself feeling “yeah, yeah, I figured that out already.” As a stand-alone course, it was fine. :slight_smile:

I am stuck on this error.

Use Word File: Call was rejected by callee. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010001 (RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED))

It goes through the and creates the first resume fine but then I get the error on every resume afterwards.

Even when I download the solution I am getting the same error,

please help,

Is this possibly because I am using a community version?

This combination is very valuable and open up for endless rows of processing.
It did itch to find a way to loop over the columns + headers to avoid that duplicated Replace Text in Document.

Welcome to the world of programming! This is the life :slight_smile:

I encountered multiple errors when attempting to complete the practice exercise. One error was "Unable to case COM object of type “Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.DocumentClass” and another was “The object invoked has disconnected from its clients”. I tried running the office repair and that didn’t resolve the errors.

Hi, I got the exact same issue, but if you just click retry then it should work.

This one was the most challenging for me yet. I was fine until it was time to copy file. Wasn’t sure how to get multiple excel source added in the “To” field and in use word file - the path to take (ended up copying and pasting from the solution after many failed attempts). I also couldn’t get the replace picture feature to work and ended up using the “switch” function that eventually worked for me. Overall, I would say this needed some guidance (video lecture) because it took way more than 25 mins to complete. I was happy to eventually get the intended results (which are the completed processed resumes I believe).

I am unable to get the automation to work. Keep receiving error:
Main.xaml: A file name cannot contain a newline, or any of the following characters: * : ? " < > |

Issue resolved when saving files to different location. This exercise did not like One Drive.

The aim of the if decision activity is only to select documents or resumes that are required. So, once that is done, we continue with the automation, working with the folder with already copied files.
I hope this helps.

Hi Everyone, I could not get the condition in my If statement to show CurrentRow to select the column headers. The solution does project does show CurrentRow on top of Resume_Data, but my project does not. I don’t know what I did wrong. Help

My Project:

Same here. I did everything I could to try to figure that part out. Part of the problem was that I didn’t even know what was supposed to be done at that step. I tried everything I could to troubleshoot and fix the problem but I’m still a beginner. I gave up.