Decisions, Iterations, and Scenarios in StudioX - Course Reflection

Learning, then reflection. It’s the peanut butter and jelly of personal growth. One without the other just doesn’t make sense.

In the replies section, share your experience with the Decisions, Iterations, and Scenarios in StudioX course with other learners. It will help you bring something internal—your learning—into the open. It’s useful because learning isn’t always easy, and it shouldn’t be. But you are not alone in this journey. There are thousands of learners who can support you!

Take advantage of this opportunity to get closure and to learn from other learners’ experiences.

Share with your community of learners what were the aha! moments and how will you apply what you learned to your work?

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I just completed the practice exercises and got 100%. I am very glad I did that on my own.

It was a very good course, like every other courses, I try to do it on my own before looking at the solution and, as a non-dev I’m doing pretty good.

Really Good Course, I am gaining a day-by-day clear understanding of how automation will be.

This course has provided me with valuable skills in decision making, looping, and scenario creation, which are essential for automating processes and streamlining workflow.

I learned about the fundamental concepts and gained in-depth knowledge of using StudioX to create and manage flows with decisions, iterations, and scenarios activities. Overall, this course was an extremely valuable learning experience.

I thought this was pretty hard, the IF activities were hard to understand as they had changed and I couldn’t find any good information on how it actually works, not in the documentation, in the forums or anywhere else. The rest was interesting and worked fin though :slight_smile:

Completed this Module… twas a lot of challenges but it was worth it.

I skipped a few automations due some software issues and versions being incorrect with current beta 2023.6 Studio X I was running my automations on. The “Ifs” and the version of the “Else If” I had on my studio x was different from the video so that was hard to figure out, but I still learned through the solutions. I also learned how create and organize my files with these automations so that was cool :slight_smile: . I have to go over understanding the theoreticals of the Decisions, Iterations and Scenarios in Studio X but at least I can read the robot path to create an automation :smiley:

I’m pretty sure the quiz on this one is buggy. I clicked on a response and after submitting it showed I submitted another response than the one I clicked on initially

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I had a great time exploring what could be automated. However, I found the quiz to be a little tricky. Sometimes, I knew the correct answer, but the question was so confusing that I selected the wrong one, even though the other option was also correct if the question was understood correctly. Nonetheless, this is not a big problem, and I’m happy to share my thoughts with fellow learners. Happy learning

I am acquiring knowledge of how robotics process automation will be.

Hi and yowsers! Not my favorite course, but did learn quite a bit. I did like practicing with the scenarios. Happy automation everyone!

Really nice tutorial, enjoyed the practice and learned a lot on the way

  1. ¿Qué has aprendido en este curso que te pareció más interesante? La claridad con la que se tratan los conceptos teóricos y los ejemplos brindados han servido para consolidar los aprendizajes

  2. ¿Qué parte te resultó más difícil? La aplicación práctica

  3. ¿Cómo aplicarás lo que aprendiste en tu trabajo? Aplicaré automatizaciones sencillas en el corto plazo.

Muchas gracias por los aportes, estoy bastante satisfecho con el curso.